Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Front Desk

Due to a change in the electric panel, our front desk got a facelift! Seen here is the new top, and behind it our Gallery Attendants, Judith Brin, Stefanie Fendly and head of security, Justin Parrish. Being a gallery attendant is a particularly challenging job. It's kindof like sailing - periods of nothing alternated by periods of crowds and confusion.Not only are they responsible for the safety and security of art and visitors, but also for general visitor services -- directions, shop sales and the occasional reminder "not to touch the artwork."

It is hard to enforce the rules in a way that visitors can appreciate. No one likes to be warned, cautioned, or reminded. But these three do their best, and most visitors report a wonderful time!

Oops- we have a new painting coming in! Next blog.....

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